Nancy Kanwisher

Functional Specificity in the Human Brain: What, Whether, and Why?

18. Language I

20. Theory of Mind & Mentalizing

Dr Nancy Kanwisher(MIT): How Deep Learning Can Inform the Functional Organization of the Human Brain

Prof. Nancy Kanwisher - Why Use Functional Regions of Interest (fROIs)?

7. Category Selectivity, Controversies, and MVPA

9. Navigation II

Panel Discussion: What is the relationship between biological brains and AI algorithms?

Nancy Kanwisher - The Social Brain: A Hypothesis Space for Understanding Autism (Sept 23, 2014)

The Neuroanatomy Lesson

1.3 Why study the human brain?

Professor Nancy Kanwisher - Presentation (Winter Graduation 2021)

13. Number

8.5 - The visual word form area: a cortical region whose selectivity depends on...

Nancy Kanwisher — Functional Imaging of the Human Brain: Organization of the Human Mind

15. Hearing and Speech

EP #6 | The Architecture of the Mind: Cognitive Neuroscience, Modules and Methods | Nancy Kanwisher

Functional imaging of the human brain: A window into the organization of the human mind - Part 2

Lecture 7.3: Nancy Kanwisher - Human Auditory Cortex

Growing up in Science - Nancy Kanwisher (October 7, 2021)

PEN DLS Series: Dr. Nancy Kanwisher

6.1 - Recap of the Ventral Visual Pathway, Topographic Disorientation, and the PPA

16. Music

Nature and Nurture